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oriental region中文

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  • 東方區,東洋區
  • 東洋區


  • Studies on fish fauna and dividing line of holarctic and oriental regions in upper zhenjiang river
  • Fish fauna and dividing of northern line of oriental region , at yali river upper reach of beijiang river
  • Zoogeographical analysis shows that most chinese genera and species were found in oriental region , especially in southern yunnan subregion ( viib ) of south china region ( vii ) then in southwest mountain subregion ( v a ) of south - west china region ( v )
  • The fauna of acriodiodea in the region was prominently the oriental species . there were about 23 oriental species occupying 45 . 1 % in total , about 10 endemic species occupying 19 . 6 % . both palaearctic species and common species in palaerctic and oriental region were 9 occupying 17 . 6 % respectively
    漢中地區的蝗總科的昆蟲以東洋界為主,共23種,占45 . 1 ,其次為漢中地區特有種類10種,占19 . 6 ,古北界和兩界共有種類均為9種,均占17 . 6 。
  • The distribution of all the genera and species ( including new taxa and new data by present research ) of the world are summarized , according to the history of continental drift and the result shows that empoascini originated in the oriental region in pangaea 145maago . zoogeographical analysis of all the taxa in china shows that most of the genera and species of empoascini are distributed in the oriental region , which is identical with the geographical distribution worldwide , i . e . most taxa distribute in the tropical and subtropical zone . phylogenetic analysis of 40 chinese genera of empoascini with one outgroupikranewa is presented in this paper
    在生物地理及區系方面,總結了世界已報道及本研究新發現單元共計88屬1183種在世界各大動物地理區的分布情況,結合大陸漂移學說的有關知識,認為小綠葉蟬族應起源于東洋區,起源時間在聯合古陸時期(約145ma以前) ;分析了中國已報道及本文新發現該族共40屬263種在中國動物地理區劃的歸屬,結果表明,中國小綠葉蟬族的種類分布以東洋區占優勢,明顯多于古北區,這與世界該族昆蟲大多分布于熱帶、亞熱帶的結果相一致。
  • The result of fauna analysis show that the central china and south china of oriental region are absolute superior in mangshan nature reserve and babaoshan . however a few palaearctic region species have " filtered into . the central china species are the chief portion in mangshan nature reserve and the south china species are the chief portion in babaoshan
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